J Street U at UCLA

J Street U is the student organizing arm of J Street, the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans. We do education— through films, presentations, and lectures from professors and activists. We do politics— through phone banking, in-district meetings with Members of Congress, and annual trips to DC as a part of the national J Street Conference. We also do fun— through trivia nights, picnics, and Shabbat meals. We support a secure, sovereign, democratic State of Israel alongside a secure, sovereign, democratic future State of Palestine. We are opposed to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories as defined by the 1949 Armistice Line. We believe that both Israelis and Palestinians are entitled to national self-determination, safety, freedom of movement, and full equality under the law. We recognize that this is one of the most complex and controversial geopolitical issues, and as such we welcome civil and respectful dialogue from individuals across the political spectrum as well as individuals with a range of familiarity about the topic.


Signatories: Rachel Burnett, Tatiana Zinn, and Cecelia Fischer

Advisor: Michael T Cohn

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